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We are awash with stories, individually catered, shaped, and spiced to our individual tests and hidden wants or desires, delivered instantly to the palms of our hands. Orchestrated by machines, provided free of charge and selling something.

I have nothing to sell here. I might only initiate our story by organizing my visual observations as linear causality. My factual written narrations are merely hints, encouraging you to figure out your own. So, we can set a stage for exchanging our shared understanding of what matters.
We are awash with stories, individually catered, shaped, and spiced to our individual tests and hidden wants or desires, delivered instantly to the palms of our hands. Orchestrated by machines, provided free of charge and selling something.

I have nothing to sell here. I might only initiate our story by organizing my visual observations as linear causality. My factual written narrations are merely hints, encouraging you to figure out your own. So, we can set a stage for exchanging our shared understanding of what matters.


Fiction is an excellent medium for storytelling, but the reality is not.

However, realities matter more than we are willing to admit while swayed by fiction. Our lives, for example, depend on the living conditions created and maintained by the ecological processes. Progressively urbanized populations have shown difficulty understanding these processes and the consequences of their failure.

I was curious and developed skills to look closely at some of them. Although we are all awash with stories trying to sell something, I only share my take on what matters here.   
Fox Channel of French River

Decades ago, I needed to escape the city and leave my home for a while. To decompress and look back at my life’s priorities and relationships. Think about it from a different perspective.

What I found was captivating, slowly revealing unexpected ways of seeing.

From Here and Now #2

Someone had to go outside of our planet to confirm that, indeed, it's blue. Yet, throughout history, a man could endlessly be trapped staring ahead at the water's edge.

​Was it the curiosity of what's on the other side or a primordial calling?

Still, there is so much more hidden below the surface.

Lichen clinging to water swept the shores of Georgian Bay.

What's left from reportedly the tallest, most extended mountain range?

Landscapes of 4-dimensional scale, with transparency of connected processes that formed life as we know it. Seeing them in transparencies like a Petri dish conditions was only the beginning.

Spring sunrise in a flooded forest at Notawasega River in Ontario

Sooner or later, you could feel it coming. Despite all misfires, twists and turns at its arrival, it comes like a brief gentle kiss, never to be forgotten. Before you get used to it, it vanishes in sweltering heat waves.

I savour a world so close to urban life yet light-years away from it.

View of a bog in Muskoka region of Ontario

Canadian Beaver became an emblem of Canada as a symbol of its sovereignty. It’s a bit puzzling that this recognition as a National Symbol by the Canada Act didn’t recognize any particular virtue of this animal or its role in maintaining living conditions within Canadian environments.

I know it is risky, but I have my own take on Beaver.

A campfire pit on a island of OSA Lake
Georgian Bay, Lake Huron that used to be called by native population as Sweet Water Sea
Back alley view of Hamilton, Ontario neighbourhood.
Lakes shorelines of boreal forests are affected by water level fluctuations.

The boreal forest makes up three-quarters of all Canadian forests. It is vast and unknown to most Canadians as it is hardly accessible. It has also been the vital carbon sink for global climate stability. Since 2013, the boreal zone has become a net emitter of atmospheric carbon.

Should it be a subject of everyone's concern? Why then it’s not?

Iron Line - Shoreline Study #4.

Can one develop a bigger picture of complex relationships without insightful details or frequent stops for reflection?

​Like everything in the world of the living, what might appear obvious could be, in fact, very complex. What seems irrelevant could be a springboard to endless conversations revealing intertwining storylines.

Piles of recycled construction materials in Hamilton, Ontario
White Pine Blooming - fragment.

I like to set up an overnight camp under a white pine tree in my travels. Falling asleep, comforted by gentle whispers, like in the arms of a trusted lover. It has been a long, eye-opening relationship for me.

The master of survival, endurance and adaptation. All these admirable trades recorded in her DNA strands are many times more voluminous than the evolution of my own species could master.

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